Welcome to the start of the spring sailing season! In case you missed our March General Membership Meeting at The Hut, Paul De Capua provided insight on what it’s like to be a part of a race committee and how to become part of his race committee at BCYC. For more info, reach out to Rear Commodore, Karen de Peralta.
Speaking of race committee, I am seeking volunteers for the Newport to Ensenada International Yacht Race start line on Friday, April 26th. No experience necessary; we will give instruction that morning, but please do not volunteer if you get seasick. If interested, please reach out to me at commodore@wsaoc.org.
At the March General Membership Meeting we also heard from Wyatt Hoag who is the Port Captain at ALYC and a dive master. He introduced us to a very special non-profit called Diveheart, which serves individuals with disabilities. If you are looking for a worthy cause with which to volunteer, I encourage you to check them out.
As always, stay abreast of upcoming seminars, clinics, monthly day sails or pop-up events this season by regularly visiting our members only Facebook Group, and enjoy fellowship, gentle breezes, and unforgettable moments that will create lasting memories.
Fair winds and following seas!
April 1 - April Fool's Day
April 10 - General Membership Meeting
Location: Dana West Yacht Club
Time: 7:00 pm (HH 6:30)
April 13 - Spring Fling – Newport Beach
April 21 - Stand Up to Trash - Yoga, Beach Cleanup
April 22 - Passover Begins
April 22 - Earth Day
April 27 - Marine Mammal Rescue Day
Spring is in the air, and we are celebrating! You do not want to miss the Newport Beach OTW ‘Spring Fling’ Event on April 13th.
Wear your newest WSA-OC merchandise, put a flower in your hair, and celebrate the warmer and longer days. Come cruise on Shindig or sail on Candy Shop or Bonnie Doon during our Spring Fling OTW event out of Newport Beach. Please note the change in location for this event, which was originally planned to take place in Alamitos Bay but will now be in Newport Beach due to boat owner availability.
This 3 1/2 hour OTW event will begin at 12:30 pm and we will gather on the boats upon our return for happy hour, so please bring some food/drinks to share if you plan to stay.
Upcoming 2024 OTW Plans Sat May 18 - Harbor Cruise – Newport Beach Sat June 22 - Summer SAILstice – Alamitos Bay Thurs-Sun July 25-28 - Annual Trip to Catalina, Two Harbors
A big thank you to Barbara Kelley, Brenda Highley, David Camerini, John Oddo, Mike and Penny Nelson, and Jim and Candice Coleman, for providing our members a great day on the water during the St. Patrick’s Day OTW Event.
I hope everyone enjoyed March's General Membership Meeting and feels more knowledgeable about how race committees work after hearing from our guest speaker, Paul DeCapua. I would also like to thank Wyatt Hoag for the great work he does at Diveheart with adaptive scuba divers, and Lisa Bronitt from LiveTheSail Life, both of whom spoke at our March Membership Meeting and introduced us to their wonderful organizations. I encourage you to visit their websites for more information!
Our April meeting will be held at a new location for us—the Dana West Yacht Club! WSA-OC Member, Captain Maureen Vild, will share insider tips and expert advice on making your BVI charter dreams a reality! Don't miss this opportunity to embark on the adventure of a lifetime with Captain Maureen's unparalleled expertise!
The Festival of the Whales on March 2nd gave WSA-OC an opportunity to showcase the philanthropic aspects of our club and promote sailing, boating, and safety education in the community. This year, WSA-OC sponsored a boat built and raced by one of Westwind Sailing’s Dinghy Dashers, and our booth was located at the center of festivities. Our spinning wheel game of nautical and sailing terms was popular with festival-goers of all ages, from 3-year-olds and up, who received a candy lifesaver for correct answers. A very big thank you to all the volunteers who participated in this fun-filled event.
Happy Birthday to Our Members
At WSA-OC, we celebrate our members’ birthdays by recognizing them in our newsletters and at our monthly meetings. We celebrate the following members with birthdays in April:
Ruby Gee - April 2 Karen Pacella - April 3
Susan Obermiller - April 4 Sandra Keeney - April 6 Judy Sheesley - April 10 Lindsay Steinmetz - April 15 David Camerini - April 17 Christy Young - April 22 Gail Brower Nedler - April 27 Phia Strojny - April 27
Kathleen Brown - April 29
Membership Auto-Renewal Process
During 2023, we announced a new process for renewing your membership. Great news: your membership will automatically renew on your membership anniversary date. There is no need to remember to renew manually. Now, you will receive an email two weeks prior to your membership anniversary date notifying you that the card we have on file from last year will be charged for the next year of membership. If you no longer want to renew your membership, you can opt out or cancel your membership and you will not be charged for the renewal. To do so, email me: membership@wsaoc.org.
Get Your WSA-OC On!!
Grab items from our store and show off your pride as a member of WSA-OC! Come to our next General Membership meeting to grab some of our new inventory!!
I hope you have enjoyed this month’s edition of The Whistle.
You can remain informed about all WSA-OC happenings and events by visiting our website, which includes our calendar of events and meetings. I update this calendar regularly when event/meeting organizers solidify details of dates, times, and locations. I also email all members at the address we have on file with the details of meetings and events (including links to sign up). If you miss an email, I post those details in ourFacebook Members-Only Groupand Public Facebook Page as well, so be sure to keep an eye out for opportunities to get involved. You can also find our past editions of The Whistle on our website if you miss the email I send on the 1st of every month.
A very special thank you to WSA-OC member, Judy Myton, who made a generous cash donation to our organization. We truly appreciate your support, which helps us enhance the membership experience and fulfill our mission. With gratitude, the WSA-OC Board.
Women's Sailing Association-Orange County is dedicated to enriching the lives of women through expanded access to sailing-related activities and educational opportunities. WSA-OC is committed to preserving and protecting our oceans and contributing to our local community through on-the-water philanthropic activities.
WSA-OC is committed to providing reasonable accommodation in its programs and activities for individuals with disabilities. Those who require a reasonable accommodation should contact commodore@wsaoc.org at least one week in advance, where possible, to make a request
Women's Sailing Association - Orange County, PO Box 11041, Costa Mesa, CA 92627, United States